The Blog

I created Two Hands to Feet when I first got rid of my possessions and went traveling. The idea was that at that point, I was making my living with my hands and walking with my feet. It was enough. 

When I returned home, writing encouraged me to see my city as if I were discovering it anew and taught me the world is interesting always, regardless of if I'm traveling or not. I now work to capture this intrigue. Two hands to feet became a challenge - did I have everything I needed, within myself, to live an adventurous life full of joy? Was it enough? 

Since 2010, this blog has morphed into something of it's own. When I travel, I write about the places I see and the people I meet. When I'm stuck in a dark apartment in Seattle during the winter and feeling angsty, this blog becomes my outlet to be angsty. The narrative is only as coherent as the author. If you want cohesive plot and story, you will have to wait for a book. I do have some ideas, but my lack of self discipline, confidence and publishing connections do not allow me to make anything of them at this point in time. Soon, though, I hope. 

Enjoy and thank you for reading!